Sarah Basha

Astrologer, Mentor and Artist

Whether you are thinking of launching your business, making it grow or just find your way back to your abundant self, before society conditioned you to think small, dim your light and quiet your voice, mentoring gives us the container to explore specifically what you need and make a plan to make it happen.

I am your cheerleader and guide. I rely on my background in Leadership training and branding strategy as well as my intuitive gifts and astrological tools to offer you clarity and help you manifest all that your soul desires.

The greatest tool to know what to do and when to do it, is our own inner compass, our intuition. Tapping into it is like magic. But sometimes, life gets in the way, our monkey brain is noisy and we loose our capacity to trust that inner voice.

Working with the Moon, honoring the natural cycles, the feminine energy that allows us to notice the details and receive is the simplest and most powerful way to nurture our connection to our truest self. But everyone is different, like the shape and place the Moon was at on the day we were born.

Rituals for your Moon Sign is my cheatsheet to help you know where to start when you trying to listen to your intuition but also honour what you need.

I believe that the everything happens for a reason, that we have more power than we believe, and that when we tune into the song of our soul we enter the magnificent flow that life can be when we are living in alignment. Astrology offers us a map to live an aligned life.

Like the title of my favorite book as a kid , In the Beginning, we start there, gazing at the sky the day you were born, the map of your soul and life. We always start any work together with this, your natal map, the story of your Origin.

Creativity is a sacred practice, it connects us to the Divine, to our inner fire and to the All.

Much like the way I read the sky, as a multidisciplinary artist I explore the themes of Identity and our relationship to Time and Space, using primarily photography, words, watercolor, fibre and collage. My work is marked by its constant duality both in its form and substance; a constant conversation between materials, between the past and the present, between the Other and I.