Masterclass Lilith Rising 

FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2024


Are you intrigued by astrology?

Do you feel overwhelmed or unsure of your voice?

Do you feel that you hold anger or shame, and may not know what to do with it?

Does the Dark Feminine archetype intrigue you?

Do you want to feel more empowered?

Join us June 29th not only to reclaim your Feminine Power but also to learn to read your chart for empowered and embodied practices.

Who is Lilith?

Every patriarchal system needs a female villain. Say hello to Lilith. First wife of Adam, our primary breath, creative expiration, our exiled sexuality. 

In astrology, Black Moon Lilith is the farthest point of the moon’s orbit — apogee - where the feminine archetype is pushed into the dark void. All the pain of our world, the “resentment of the moon’s diminishment” herself, all that has been repressed, banished is thrown onto Her. She carries our collective pain and individual shame.

Wherever Lilith goes in your chart she asks for retribution, she brings us down to make us rise. In Virgo where she is till June, the realm of perfection and purity, she’s showing us where these are shackles. 

Lilith asks you to own your truth and confess your discomfort, even when it’s easier to pretend you’re okay. 

Understanding your own Lilith helps you :

*reclaim your authenticity;

*strengthen your self worth and confidence;

*allows you to create space for suppressed energies and feelings;

*explore personal taboo;

*tune into your unique sensual and sexual expression;

*understand your relationship dynamics;

*embrace your shadow;

*own your truth.

During this special in person Masterclass, you will learn:

  1. The Basics of Astrology

    We will cover the fundamental concepts, including signs and houses. We will delve into the captivating world of astrology, unraveling the mysteries of your inner self.

  2. The myths of Lilith

    Learning the myths of Lilith allows us to tune into Her story and power. My lense is a indo-European Feminist perspective so we will cover a range of myths and archetypal expressions.

  3. To understand your chart focused on your Lilith placement.

    Unlock the secrets of your unique natal chart, gaining insights into your Lilith sign. You will also receive exclusive insights from your astrologer.

  4. Tune in and amplify

    Like all good energy work, we will move from our mind to energy, calling Her in, and us into greater alignment of our truth through ritual. And as our greatest power is collective we will amplify our work in our circle.

  • Merci Sarah, for your deep wisdom & guidance! I feel a portal opening

  • Thank you so much for holding the Lilith circle. I feel her presence coming in quite rapidly. 🔥 Looking forward to seeing and spending time with you all again.

  • Merci pour sharing your, wisdom and insights with me. I'm so grateful for this very special experience!

  • Thank you for holding space with your witchcraft. Your intuiition. Your darkness, your light, women need you. I'm grateful I found you.

  • Thank you Sarah! It was really such a powerful evening and a pleasure to connect with you all through this offering and space that you held. I'll admit it brought up a lot in the days following but in the invitation to now work together- Lilith, the collective- it indeed feels like a portal has opened and healing through witnessing is taking place.

Meet your Host

Excited to be hosting an in person masterclass in Paris at the beautiful Uman Project space. Paris is a place that I visit when I need to fuel my soul, romance myself, remember of my own dark feminine power. I have been working with people for decades and have been blessed to bring these teachings and practices around the world. But my favorite containers remain group work. This year I have but a handful in person events around the world. First off abroad, Paris!

  • Sarah is Mystic, Mentor, Artist and Host of the Podcast, Woven - Stories of Feminine Becoming.

    As a Mentor, Sarah blends the woo woo with the practical. Using her mystical gifts and background in leadership coaching, she guides women to align to their authentic soul path and manifest their highest blueprint. Sarah believes Magic is in the mundane and in owning our voice. Sarah guides and teaches from experience, honoring the esoteric msytical arts, her balkanic pagan heritage and judeo-christian upbringing. Based in Ericeira, Portugal Sarah offers mentoring, readings and workshops for people around the world.

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024

Time: 13:00 – 15:30

Location: Online, Via ZOOM

The language of instruction and all materials are in English.

What to Bring:

  • A journal

  • Provide your birth information (date, exact time, and location of birth) when registering, so we can prepare your personalized chart. Even if you already have your chart, supplying your birth data ensures consistency with other students, as various chart systems exist.

For questions, sliding scale, please email

Don't miss this opportunity to be initiated into the language of astrology and explore the power of Lilith.

Reserve your spot now and embark on a soul-enriching adventure with like-minded individuals.


Till June 6rd 2024, then 111€

All sales are final and non-refundable. Payment plans are available, scholarships too. Please reach out. | Please read through the Workshop Policy.